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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Your 3 Worst Airport Woes, Solved

Security lines, flight delays or missing a flight or connection, parking, baggage fees or even worse, lost luggage. These are just a few of the headaches passengers may have to deal with while flying. Here, we take a look at how to solve some of these issues.

Problem #1: Long lines at security
Long lines at security are not only boring; they can mean the difference between catching and missing a flight. How can you minimize this wait time?

The solution: Look to your left (and be prepared)
As IndependentTraveler.com reports, “Apparently most humans are biased toward their dominant hand, so the fact that the majority of people are right-handed causes most people to select the security lane on the right when faced with a choice. Zig when they zag by checking out the lanes to your left.”

Aside from this pro tip, at the end of the day, getting through security quickly is all about being prepared ahead of time: “Don't wait until you get to the front of the line to take your phone, keys, loose change and other stuff security agents don't like out of your pockets.” As a bonus, they add, wear a belt with a plastic buckle instead of a metal one.

The problem: Expensive parking
Parking right at the airport can rack up exorbitant prices over the course of your trip. Often, fliers park further away for less expensive options. However, these lots aren’t always convenient, requiring passengers to walk long distances or find a shuttle to take to their arrival desk.

The solution: Find the right lot ahead of time
Parking away from the airport is one important way to save money. The best news is you often won’t have to sacrifice convenience for the lower price, thanks to various services parking companies offer.

If you’re looking to find airport parking in Oakland, for example, make sure you consider a parking option that includes time- and money- saving features. These include online parking space reservation, access to coupons, a free shuttle service and more.

The problem: Limiting baggage requirements
In recent years, airlines have begun offering customers less and less space for their money. This includes baggage space. But what if you need to bring an item and cannot afford the extra charge for an additional bag?

The solution: Pack smart
IndependentTraveler.com suggests wearing layers of clothes when you fly in order to reduce your bag’s weight. (“Put a jacket, sweatshirt or other heavy item of clothing in a front pocket or right at the top of your bag. If the airline calls out your bag as overweight at check-in, you can open the bag, rip out the garment and put it on.”)

If all else fails, try the shopping bag trick: “Some devious travel hackers suggest asking for a shopping bag at an airport store and putting your extra stuff in it. Gate agents will think it's just some things you purchased, which they may not count against your carry-on allowance.”


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